Saturday, October 31, 2009

From my personal keepsakes

These pieces are again experiments for personal use and I have to ask for his forgiveness showing them but it shows how Christopher wanted to express what he saw in nature and how it inspired him. I think the beauty, besides the hard work is that marbling has the magic of nature. Growing up near a river and seeing it flow and the constant changes reminds me of the floating colors on size.
Here on the piece to the left the leaves are incredibly delicate; clicking on an image will enlarge most of them. At first, for so many years, it was his only goal to achieve marbled papers for binders to use but as I stated before it was impossible to produce in an apartment and there was no money to rent a studio.

I think about you Marblers as I share this because you may see into the heart of Christopher's workings so very private really. Hearing from you that you appreciate my blog makes me continue with enthusiasm.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Main Ingredient

What was it I was wondering that made Chris go on for years despite so many obstacles and failures and I suddenly realized he got the wish he had expressed when we met in Munich. With as little English as I understood he had said he couldn't promise me anything, no riches, nor did he know where he was going but that he wanted to work with his hands. Now I realize that it was exactly what he enjoyed the most, the preparation of the materials for marbling. A two day process of preparing the papers, another day for mixing colors and the next for the size, most of the years it was Guar gum, not exactly an easy process. I will write about his use of the size soon. I loved watching him work. To support the cost of materials he did restoration work that he also taught himself and was very good at. So the main ingredient for all of it was learning, patience, hard work and the challenge of it. Because of his youthful looks he wasn't trusted so most of the time he had a middle man to get the work and yet his workmanship was known.

People would bring pieces as you can see in the upper photo and the repaired piece below:Mayan from the May Collection of St.Louis, Terra Cotta, under 2 feet. I just wanted to share another part of Christopher aside from marbling.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Marbler's quest

Christopher tried to understand all aspects of the use of marbling in the past and present. Having done several books and one by me, the Tribute to his work and life as well as some articles I do not want to repeat myself with this blog. Perhaps I might write about what I remember of the size he used most of his marbling years: guar gum. It was mainly cost that made him find the size for the many years of experimenting, not to mention the cost of paper, color and water. Above a piece of calligraphy by Christopher.

And here to the left a stenciled piece by him and on the right a stenciled rose, as always just experimenting, not meant for sale or showing really.
So that you know I'm still thinking of adding more I wanted to share a few pieces.